Shooting film – Black and White

Do you prefer a classic look for your couple shoot? Black and white film might be the very best choice for you. Analog black and white film is not the same as digital images with the colors removed. Film has its own distinct grain and contrast which gives it a timeless look. If you wish to own old fashioned, physical prints we are happy to develop them for you in our darkroom lab.

Shooting film – Colour

Another way to shoot analog images is with color film. We can work with negative film (Kodak Portra) as well as positive film (Fujifilm) which has a very vibrant and saturated pallet. Analog color film makes sense in certain settings. On the left is an example of an analog print captured with color film. The image is shot with natural light in a wooden church. This gorgeous, traditional location asked to be shot on Kodak. We develop the film ourselves. Physical prints are available upon request.

Instant Photography – Polaroid/Instax

An instant photo is a unique, physical snap shot with its own distinctive colors and structure. Having had collaborations with both Polaroid and Instax, we have many years of experience shooting instant film. We enjoy taking a few instant photo’s during a couple shoot (perfect to keep up on the fridge for many years to delight in) or capture those spontaneous frames during the main event. We own a wide range of instant cameras for diverse formats and color schemes.